In Japanese tradition, it is said that if one makes 1000 origami cranes, their dreams and wishes will come true. More recently, the origami crane has become a symbol of hope and healing during a time of crisis.
During these uncertain times for our church, we thought it would be a good project for all of us and for those who visit our church to participate in.
Starting now and over the next year, we ask that you write a prayer on a square of origami paper that we will have available to you. It might be a full prayer or simply the name of someone or something that you would want to lift up in prayer. You do not have to put your name on it and do not fold the paper. There will be a collection box in Fellowship Hall to place them in or you may put them in the offering plate during the Sunday service. The Growth Committee will then fold these prayers into origami prayers. These cranes will be strung and suspended in our sanctuary.
Our goal is to hang 1000 of these cranes. However, my guess is that we will collect a lot more than 1000 over the year.
This project was recently done by a church in Conway, N.H. The pictures of it were breathtaking. It is our hope that our project will inspire those who came to our church to reflect on how God can work in their lives and to add their prayers to ours.
UPDATE: Over 2500 cranes fly in our sanctuary!